Friday, August 10, 2012


On August 30, 2011 I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant. I was scared, happy, and surprised! I have never felt do many emotions all at once. I called my mom of course and she had "mothers intuition" and calmed me down then asked if I had gone to planned parenthood. And that it could be wrong since the day before I took the first test and is said not pregnant. So I went in the next day and of course I was by then I already excepted it and was happy. I told the father and he wasn't happy and wanted me to get rid of it. I said no and it was my choice. So I left him alone about it do he could live his life. I mean I was 22 and he was going to be turning 23 he just got a good job and this was inconvenient. I understood so no harm done I didn't care. So I moved back to California with my family for support. My due date was april 20, 2012 I ended up have a boy on may 6, 2012 at 12:31pm he was 7lbs 8 oz and he was gorgeous! I named him Gavin Randall McNamara-*bleep* ( I'm not going to identify the father with the last name ) anyways I love him. Today he is 3 months old and is amazing! Everything had been a crazy roller coaster with emotions. His father and I still talk but he still hadn't shown any interest. I havnt asked for child support but if I continue not too my benefits will be cut. :( California kinda sucks like that. And they might just do it anyways like they did to my brother. Anyways my little man is gorgeous!

Friday, June 15, 2012

My adventure so far....

Okay. So I do know it has been a while since I last wrote anything and due to certain people that will not be named I had to delete a lot of my other blogs I had posted, and of course I regret it. Anyhoo... So many great things have happened to me with in last year and now. I have experienced the thrill of amazing news, kicks, labor, nursing, watching a beautiful child grow! In late July I had conceived a child with out knowing it. I did find out August 29th 2011 because my roommate bugged me and made me think twice which I am happy about. Thank you Jesse Sanchez! You're a great friend! I had my son may 6, 12 12:31 pm he was 7lbs & 8oz and 20 in and 3/4 long :) I love my baby Gavin!