Friday, June 15, 2012

My adventure so far....

Okay. So I do know it has been a while since I last wrote anything and due to certain people that will not be named I had to delete a lot of my other blogs I had posted, and of course I regret it. Anyhoo... So many great things have happened to me with in last year and now. I have experienced the thrill of amazing news, kicks, labor, nursing, watching a beautiful child grow! In late July I had conceived a child with out knowing it. I did find out August 29th 2011 because my roommate bugged me and made me think twice which I am happy about. Thank you Jesse Sanchez! You're a great friend! I had my son may 6, 12 12:31 pm he was 7lbs & 8oz and 20 in and 3/4 long :) I love my baby Gavin!

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